Local 78 Hiring Hall Rules & Referral Form

Brothers and Sisters:
Please find below links to our Local 78 Hiring Hall Rules and Out of Work List (OWL) Referral Form. Both the Hiring Hall Rules and the Out of Work Referrals are effective as of March 1, 2021.
Members are kindly asked to download and read the hiring hall rules, in their entirety; and to download, fill out and return the OWL Referral Form, with copies of all applicable licenses, as soon as possible. Digital copies of the OWL Referral Form can be
- emailed to OWL@local78.org;
- faxed to 718-425-9798; or
- mailed to our offices at 11-17 43rd Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101.
Download a Copy of the Hiring Hall Rules
Download and Fill Out a Copy of the Out of Work List
Descargue una copia de las reglas de la sala de contratación
Descargue y complete una copia de la lista de personas sin trabajo
Pobierz kopię regulaminu hali rekrutacyjnej