As you know, the situation in Ukraine is most precarious as the lives of innocent Ukrainians and the endurance of a democratic Ukraine are in great jeopardy. Thankfully, the entire world is unified in opposing Russia’s indefensible aggression; however, if Ukraine is to retain its independence, it will need more than just the world’s platitudes and emotional support. It will need their significant and immediate financial assistance.

As many of Local 78′ s members are of Eastern European descent, we have been watching this situation closely. We have researched several organizations which have taken the initiative to provide emergency relief to the Ukrainian people. After completing our inquiry, we settled on Razom for Ukraine (“Razom”) who we believe is reliable and qualified to deliver the needed assistance. Of course, the Local’s limited resources prevent us from contributing as significantly as we would like; we have, nevertheless, contributed $24,500 to the cause in solidarity.

Pawel Gruchacz
Business manager
Local 78